Sunday, 27 July 2014

Baby Shower....not long to go!!!

I've had my baby shower!!  This means the arrival of baby Brown is imminent. Aaaah.  I had a 3D scan as well this week, which was brilliant.  They are so clever, they even give you the forecast weight of baby!  Thankfully he's not gonna be the size of a house....but surely if I eat more cake things will change?

My baby shower was fantastic, and I felt really over whelmed and emotional after!  We all trotted off to Heaton Park, and took over a classroom there.  The girls brought loads of smashing food, and our Laura did a great selection of games to keep us all amused.  I've got pictures drawn by the girls of Baby Brown, really hope he doesn't resemble any of the artist impressions!  There were some scary premonitions.

We had to tell what flavour the baby food was - this has made me realise just how bad baby food is.  I think they probably make a big vat of "slush" which they then add a minuscule bit of the main ingredient.  Think I'll really have to try and make my own.

We also ate melted chocolate out of nappies!!  haha. So wrong, but really funny.  I loved the way my mate Jo tucked into hers without flinching.  We all got to spit our dummies out - not that this is anything new for us lot.

The weather was smashing, and we all had a go in the rowing boats which was brilliant fun.

Really wonderful day, plus I was treated to some lovely pressies from my wonderful friends.  Thank you ladies xxx

baby food tasting!!

All the girls spitting their dummies out!!

Josi, loving the chocci nappy

Aww, brilliant Michelle.  The only one who made the effort to dress up (Aina did pop her baby suit on as well so Michelle didn't feel left out).  Michelle looked ace and really made my day

Getting ready for dummy spitting

Saturday, 12 July 2014


As a consequence of my irrational thinking and anxieties during pregnancy I decided to join a hypnobirthing class in Chorley, led by a lovely lady called Rebecca at Peaceful Births.  I was a little apprehensive about the class but thought it was worth a go.  We learnt about the history of woman and birthing, why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable and safer birthing expensive with the aid of deep relaxation and hypnosis.  These methods can help you to stay alert, but at the same time shut out the world and focus on your body.
I feel very positive after my first class and am really looking forward to the next one.  I can’t thank my sister Leonie, enough for agreeing to be my birth partner and travelling up from Peterborough to support me in the first class.  All being well I would love my sister to be my birth partner, as well as Carl, as she’s on my wavelength, able to offer emotional support and may be less upset by seeing me in pain than Carl.   
In next week’s class Lancashire Life (magazine) are doing an article about HypnoBirthing and would like to come and take some photos in class and possibly ask a few questions!!! I broke this news to Carl last night together with the fact we would be watching vaginal birth videos together and he went very quiet, he said something about a pink panther giving birth to a watermelon hence the fact I need my sister there to say the right things!!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Crafty Vintage

Crafty Vintage, Helmshore Textile Museum, Rossendale
Crafty Vintage came to Helmshore, Rossendale recently, and the weather was scorchio !! We soaked up the atmosphere and the cocktails (they had some cracking non-alcoholic ones!!) in the historic mills, saw the machinery at work, whilst enjoying the nostalgia and finest display of vintage, collectibles and handmade wares, vintage cars and street food. It was a great opportunity for the many local artists, crafters and collectors to meet the local villagers, as well as each other.
The Fayre included some fab quirky gifts that I didn’t really need, but I really wanted, cocktails served in wellies (not the people serving, the actual glasses), street food, cookery demo’s and our local enchanting celebrity singer Kiki Deville: 
I obviously fell in love with the Herdy sheep range from which is down to my unhealthy obsession with everything sheep related.  I am also on the lookout for something a bit different for my little unborn (Charlie Brown, to be confirmed) and stumbled across the fabulously talented Bella and Mr Tom and bought Charlie his first pair of spaceship pants!!
Baby brain has well and truly kicked in this week with an array of new irrational non-related thoughts and anxieties which I know are irrational, and yet I struggle to convince myself of the more logical and reasoned answer to questions such as:-.
·         In this warm weather, will the sheep have enough water ?
·         Why does the satnav not re-correct itself even when turned upside down ?
·         Why do you never see any baby pigeons, am I just looking in the wrong places ?
·         Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle ?
·         Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?
T     This is a selection of my mixed up thoughts....there's plenty more where that came from!!
       I'm still really busy at the moment, filling my time with lots of friends and visiting.  It's taking me quite a while to sort the craft stuff out Nonie has given me...but I'm getting there.  Anyone interested, then check out my ebay site, and my Etsy.  Just bear with me....especially with the Etsy, it's a new venture!!  If you need any help though, please drop me a line (if I can't answer at least I know someone crafty who can!).  All the links are here:

      Right, lets get some ribbon loaded, night everyone
 Musical happenings at the Crafty Vintage day out

 New pants for baby Brown!!

 Wellie Cocktails!!

   Fabulous felted sheep!!